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The NCN is a supportive and collaborative network where member centres can meet, communicate and share best practice, particularly in respect of psychodynamically led counselling. 


The network comes together twice a year at a meeting in London. Communication is maintained throughout the year by phone and email to ensure the centres can support each other when needed. 


Spreading the word


One of the NCN's aspirations is to jointly promote and offer a voice for psychodynamic counselling to be heard by government and other professional bodies. We are one of a group of mental health charities and professional organisations in the ‘We Need to Talk Coalition’ which is campaigning for better access to psychological therapies for people with mental health problems. The objective of this campaign is to see greater investment by the government in psychological therapies.


Joining the network


The NCN welcomes expressions of interest from other counselling centres whose service offering is underpinned by the theories and

philosophies of psychodynamic work. Enquiries should be made to

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